What Chevelle songs are on your iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc?
Chevelle looks like a million dollars
None at the moment.
I don't have any.
I don't think I have any nor know who that is
- Fanfiction.net site not working on my Apple devices iPhone, iPad, and iTouch etc? Ok I was browsing on fanfiction.net for like a couple of hours on my home Wi-Fi with my iPhone, then all of the sudden it won't load the page. So turn off my Wi-Fi setting on my iPhone to 3G and it the site load up. So what is the problem? All other sites seem to work fine using Wi-Fi on my iPhone but, fanfiction.net is not working on Wi-Fi. Is the site going through some update or something?
- Cydia, no jailbreak, for ipod, ipad, iPhone, android. Ipad mini? Can you get cydia on ipod/ipad with out jailbreaking? If so could someone reply back a pastes link? I've tried openappmkt, which does not work. I want a real working cydia app ( with packages, ect, )on my ipod with out jail breaking. Please help. I do not want to jailbreak. If some one could post a link that would help, I've trice searching the Internet and you tube and the don't work.
- Can you Remote Control your iPod, iPhone or iPad Music from your Computer? Recently I have been using my iPod Docking system allot to play Music on (Mainly Spotify, Because I Just got it!) and I want to be able to control the playback (E.g. Play, Pause, Rewind and Fast-forward) from my Windows 7 Home Computer for free, But is there a way to do it? My dock doesn't come with a remote sadly so this would save me allot of time getting up walking across the room to change the song!
- Can you download songs onto your iphone without losing your other songs? I have an iPhone 4S and I just bought a CD. My car is old and only plays cassettes. I want to download the songs from my CD onto my phone, but some of the music I have bought, is on another computer and that computer crashed. Is is it possible for me to plug my phone into the computer to download the CD without losing my other songs?