What colour iPhone should I get?

Should I get a White or black iPhone 4? I'm a 13 year old girl and have 2 vans cases, for the phone, one with a brown back and pink rim and one with a red back and White rim. I was always going to get White but now I don't know. Which colour do you think I should get? Xx

Get white.


Purple you snobby american


I think white is classic, sophisticated and clean. Black is a bit naff.

I'd go with white. It's so bright and the original color. Black… I don't know, seems to dark, and typically I like black! Haha plus your first instinct was white: P… Or you could always go back to doing Eenie-Mini-Miney-Mo (however you would spell that: p)

Id go with white. It looks nicer in my opinion, and your cases would look better on it. Also the white ones look newer and your first thought was white so you should go with that. You can always get whatever color case you want in the future!

Get the white. It looks much prettier.
The black iPhones look just too masculine to me.

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You get white.

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