What do Computer Hardware Engineers do at Apple Inc

I wish to become a Computer Hardware Engineer, I'm 14. I want know what do Hardware Engineers do at Apple. What do they do? I know that Apple makes their own System-On-Chip but they are based on ARM's Archiecture. Their displays are being supplied by Samsung for their iPhones, Camera from Sony. They don't actually make their own stuff. What is the actual role of Hardware Engineers at Apple when their Hardware componets are being made and supplied by other companies? And additionally also want to know what Computer Hardware Engineers exactly do?

Let's think about this for a minute. Look at an iMac. How did the aluminum case get formed so that it mates with the display? Someone else makes the case, but someone at Apple had to tell them what to make and how to make it. Same for the display and the circuit boards and the power supplies and the keyboard and the mouse…

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