What do I want for Christmas? - 1

I have an iPhone and and flat screen tv and a lap top and I know I'm getting clothes for Christmas but I have no clue what I want!

Can't answer that for you

Well either go with the cheap stuff from here:
2012 Christmas Gifts for Her

or get some nice earbuds to pair with the iPhone and TV. I recommend Etymotic HF3

Stop being a brat, you get what you get

My choices that you might like:

1. Wii U for christmas or the plain Wii system (if you like or love video games)

2. A pet kitty or puppy

3. Beats by Dr. Dre

4. IPad

5.movies that makes you laugh

6.designer clothes

7. Designer perfumes


9.ask a family member for a Home made Christmas basket

10. Enjoy your holiday with family.

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