What do you think of the iPhone 11 Reveal?
What do you think of the iPhone 11 Reveal?
Nothing different than the iPhone X.
I would rather buy an iPhone 6 or 7.
I don't think of it.
New-product intros are like parades, beauty pageants, and awards shows:
Utterly immaterial and worthy of no one's attention.
My 6 still works fine so I'm waiting for the 12 to come out.
- You think I could buy a iPhone 5 if i work what you guys think? You guys think that if i work at McDonald or any store i can afford to buy the iPhone 5? And pay every month
- Why do people think you're rich if you have an iphone? I have an iphone6 and people at school ask me if I'm "rich." If you want an iphone 6, get something called a job and since when did owning a $700 phone make someone "rich?" It's not like my phone is covered in gold and diamonds.
- Where can I reveal, or maybe learn how to reveal, a camera roll? NOT THE CAMERA ROLL IN AN Iphone, an actual camera roll. I just bought a 1960 German camera, and I was lucky to find a camera roll, but I don't know where to reveal the roll. I live near LA, CA. any ideas or comments?
- Is tbere any major différence between thé iPhone 6 and the 6s? Whooppeee is Xmas again and my daughter wants new 2nd hand) iPhone… 2 years ago almost bought her 5 before i réaliséd that it was 5s she wanted ( cos thé 5 sucks?) And I don't want to screw up this year…