What does 763 mean on the beginning of phone numbers

It means they have an iPhone, but most iPhone numbers (as well as other phone numbers in the US) are 651, 621, or 612. However, some people have a 763 instead at the begging of their phone number. What does this mean?

Area code 763 is the telephone numbering plan code for the northwestern suburbs of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, including cities such as Plymouth, Maple Grove, and Brooklyn Park. It was created in 2000 along with area code 952 (southwest suburbs) when they were carved out of area code 612, which now only…

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763 does not mean "iPhone" necessarily. It is just a prefix for whatever area you live in. The first 3 are the area code, the next 3 are regional, the remaining 4 are your specific number.
besides, people can transfer numbers to home phones or to non-iPhones.