What does it mean when a phone site says free activation?

Before y'all call me dumb. I was just making sure because I recently bought a iPhone from boost mobile for like $211 it said "free activation" but when I looked up reviews on YouTube they said how new users had to pay like $60 extra and they had gotten the same deal as me! So now I'm just confused.

Forget youtube - you need to follow the instructions that came w/the phone

Usually when buying a phone there's an activation fee involved. If they say "free activation" then the fee is waved in that case. I agree with the other answerer though. Go with what any material says in your situation. YouTube reviewers would relate what they have in their case.

Rigtons tee here… LOL!

There's no activation charge with boost. The $60 is for the monthly service.

Yes, you pay it every month.