What happeneds if my iphone falls in water? - 1

My i phone fell in water about a half hour ago, my son picked it up and carried it for a bath. I put it in the sun but it still isn't even coming on. What should i do? Is it the end for my iphone?

Its now a very expensive paper weight

Its just an iPhone in water.Duh!

Take the battery out. Leave it somewhere warm, not hot, to dry for a day or so then put the battery back and see if it will charge.

Pour some uncooked rice into a deep bowl and put your phone in it so that the whole thing is covered and leave it there for a few days.

O_O that poor iphone

it will be remembered.

The problem with water and electronics is that water kind of directs a current where its not supposed to go so it short circuits. Unless then phone was off when it fell into the water, then you thoroughly dried it by taking the moisture out (like put it in a bag of rice, etc.), then you only tried to turn it on when it was completely dry then its probably broken.

You can put it in a container of rice as it absorbs most of the water inside. Alternately, you can silica gel, you can find them in shoes when you first bought it or dried foof(PS, use a hairdryer to dry your iPhone first, then put it in a container with the silica gel). If it's spoiled, send it back to Apple for a warranty claim

Your phone will fill up with water if its not treated real quick then yeah a very expensive paper weight.

should your phone ever experience this you must get it out the water as soon as possible the quicker you are the more you save.
(IMPORTANT: DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS AT ALL) its a common mistake, i don't care if your tempted do not press anything at all.

take the back cover off remove the battery dry the battery (memory & sim cards too) then take your iphone apart and use a hair drier but don't use it too close you only need a little bit of heat and sit there for like 15mins drying it out, then make sure its completely dry before you switch it back on again.

this is a good way to cure it doesn't always work 100% it could be the screen is still full of water or the battery has short circuited sometimes this fix doesn't work because of those problems you'll save some of the phone but somethings may need replacing.

Try to AVOID gadgets getting wet at all costs