What happened to my iPhone 4S?
I have a iPhone 4S from Sprint and I have had since February of this year. Now, the screen won't light up or turn on. I pressed all the buttons and that didn't help. Also, I left it to charge for about a hour and it still won't turn on or light up. I even tried calling it with the house phone and that didn't work either. This also used to happen when I had an android. I had to change the battery for it because Sprint said the battery was damaged. Does this mean my iPhone's battery is damaged? I never dropped it or damaged it but, I do use it all the time. Does anyone know what happened to my iPhone and how can I fix it?
Have you clicked the home button and lock/sleep button at the same time fir 15sec that should work if not its really easy to take the backplate off a iphonr.
Call sprint and tell them sprint has had alot of issues with there phones.
This has happened to me before, and I know what to do but I don't know if it will help you. Go to itunes(this only works if you have itunes) then go to the side bar thing on the left side of the screen on itunes and look for whatever your phone is called. Then there should be a button that says restore.before you do this, you might want to sync it to your computer. (by it i mean your phone) then you hit restore.a bar will appear on your phone screen and then once it completes, click restore from previous (your phone name) and that might work. Hope this helped.
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