What happened to this bird?

I was working. I noticed a small bird sitting on the sidewalk outside. It was 5 am in the morning. But the sun was up and it was already hot. I live in Palm Springs ca. Desert weather.

15 minutes later. I noticed the bird hadn't moved. I went outside, put on gloves and checked it. It just sat there. It was awake. It's eyes moving. I tried to get close and sway it away. But it flapped its wings pathetically unable to fly and just continued to sit there.

I picked it up and it didn't even give me a fight. Just sat in my hands. I moved it to a grassy shaded area. I returned to work. Hour later. I saw that it was still on the grass but only moved a few feet. It was still awake, responded to my presence, but would not walk or fly away.

I left and went home. Next day. I heard it died. Found dead on the spot I left it. I guessed that the bird was sick or something. But I'm just wondering from what? It was very odd and when I told this story to a few friends they said they've encountered a few birds that acted the same way, lethargic, unable to move that much.

Thanks for any answers. I have some grainy iPhone video of it. But it's not good enough quality for me to post along with question.

Well, since it's summer, the entire country is incredibly hot. Perhaps it was suffering from dehydration, or maybe a bird sickness? Where I live- and it's also desert weather, incredibly hot (My brother once got heat stroke here)- there was a sickness that spread among certain cats. I think it was possibly genetic, because my cats and other ones weren't getting sick. I lost 2 kittens due to this illness. However, it stopped.

Hope this helped!

I know that PS got into the 115 range or so, and maybe the poor little bird has a heat stroke.

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