What happens if I un-jailbreak my iPhone 4s?
I want to unjailbreak my iphone, but will it be any effects? At all? So if i delete jailbreak it would be regular as any old iphone? Will I be able to have Apple's warranty again?
It depends.
You can either restore your device to a clean iOS - which will delete all of your data, including music, pictures, jailbroken and NON-jailbroken apps.
OR, you can restore your device to a previously saved backup (the backup will not backup the jailbreak) - so you will have all of your things. Even the jailbroken apps, although they will not work.
They will crash the minute you try to enter them.
*** Take in mind that uninstalling CYDIA will not unjailbreak your device. It will remain in a state of a "jailbroken device" until a restore or an update will be applied on the device***
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