What happens if you accidentally call 911 and hand up?

So I was at school and my phone was in my bad and I have the iPhone 11 which I think has an emergency call button which makes it easy to do that by accident. I hear that sound it makes when it makes an emergency call and I tried to stop it as soon as I could I hung up and should not have done that I realized but at the time I didn't know what to do. Like I'm worried now.

I did that before and 911 called me back immediately. If they haven't called you back, don't worry… If they do something it will be right away

Well, they'll find you and arrest you. It's considered a crime so you'll probably go to jail. Don't worry tho. It's only gonna be a few days.
Just kidding! Nothing will happen.

If the call connected, the 911 operator KNOWs who and where the call came from.
It is the Operator's choice,
1. Send a response unit to see if there's a problem, or
2. Ignore it.

If the call Did Not connect, there's nothing to worry about.

Either way thee is nothing you can do about it.

If it didn't reach them they won't worry. If they do call back just explain its a mistake and that everything is ok. For next time just stay on the line and explain it was an accident. Only takes them a minute and it won't waste emergency resources.

They will call you, you just say it was a mistake

It takes about a minute for the 911 call tracing system to left the location of a call from a mobile/cell phone, so unless they probably wouldn't do anything unless they heard something suspicious in the background if you hung up as soon as you realised you pocket dialed.

I have bad news! That's a death penalty crime, I'm really sorry!

They probably will call back or if it was by accident just say that it was an accident. They probably will tell you not to do it unless its a real emergency.

They may call you back in some time.