What Iphone should I get? - 3

I have an upgrade for a new phone i currently have an iphone 6s which i like however it has some wear and tear. I've hear a lot of negatives about the 8 and X because they are now glass and they break easily? I've also heard other negatives such as bugs and a bad system not sure if true. I'm also put off that now starting with 7 their is no audio port. I always use this in the car to play music. Are their other alternatives? I don't like the plus models as they age too big for me. I was thinking maybe going with the 7 any suggestions?

The glass backs are only an issue if you don't use a case. A case should always be used with a phone, whether it has a glass back or not.

There isn't really any major issues with the 8 and X, any bugs would be software related which would also exist on other models and can be fixed with an iOS update.

You get an adapter which gives you the audio port. Yes it sucks to have to use it but it's the only way you can get the port back.

Get the 10 and decent case… What's the problem?