What Iphone should I get? - 4

I'm going towards an Iphone 6 because I like how it has its own hole for it along with the charger. I noticed that the iphones 7 & 8 only share the same hole for the headphones and charger which I'm not very fond of. Since I like how the Iphone 6 model is, should I go for this phone?

I admit, having the headphone jack is a very nice feature, but the last iPhone to have it was the iPhone 6s. The 6s is about to turn 3 years old in September, and its predecessor, the iPhone 6, will be 4 years old. I would advise against buying these phones as they are starting to become outdated. I would get the iPhone 8. It is one of the current models that Apple is selling and it will last you awhile. Due to the iPhone 6 and 6s's age, it may not last as long as an iPhone 8 would. Third parties make an adapter that has the lightning port (charging port) and headphone jack in one. I'll link it down below. If you're looking for something a little cheaper, the iPhone 7 is a good runner up. Just a FYI, Apple is expected to release new iPhone models in September, so this is actually a really bad time to buy an iPhone new. Even if you are not interested in having the latest and greatest iPhone, they drop the prices of their previous models at that time as well.

Here is the link to the adapter I was talking about, If you don't like this exact one, you can find others, this is just an example:


Let me know if I can help you out further.

You mean a headphone jack.

If you care for having an iPhone with one, then yes.