What is a good case to protect my iPhone 4s?

I just got the iPhone 4s and I want a good case to protect it. I do NOT want an otterbox, I know those cases will protect my phone very well but I just think they are so ugly and too bulky. I want a cute case that is not too bulky. I would like to be able to put the phone in my pocket at times and I'm a girl so my pants pockets have very limited space. If you could put links that will lead me to the cases that would be awesome!

You can buy a MOBO case they are thin and they look good
Here is a link:
&w=500&h=500&ei=84URUKrXBuqS6gGQlYGoBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=527&vpy=141&dur=1675&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=116&ty=145&sig=112976064585121106910&page=1&tbnh=148&tbnw=148&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429, r:2, s:0, i:75

How about this one, http://www.onecase.co.uk/iphone-cases/iphone-4s-cases.html?p=5, it's really fits, you can have a try!

Yes, otterbox defender case is too bulky and simple apperance. These are the cases I think cute and slim for girls, hope you will like and find your favorite one.

I don't know what kind of style you like, the cool one, cute one, or special one? So I would like to give a link, hope you can find one there