What is an good excuse for a broken camera?

I was taking pictures for my science project and all of the sudden the camera froze! I got so stressed because it was late and I just wanted to get things done. Since it was a touch screen camera I started to tap the screen 24/7, but then the camera slipped out of my hand (I tried to catch it) and the lens broke like that. When ever I try to put it on picture mode or video it would make this spazzing sound. I tried looking up on the internet how to fix it, but nothing was working. It's been broken for 4 months now and my parents still doesn't know. I need an excuse! Please help me! My dad is always gets pissed if an electronic in the house is broken. Like one time my brothers iPhone "lock" button wasn't working and he litterally got pissed.

No excuse; the truth. Why wasn't camera hanging around your neck? You are careless!

How about… You dropped it.
your only human and your not going to be scarrd for life. Just own up.

1) Pretend you know nothing of it if they find it broken…
2) Tell them the truth.
3)If it's your dad that get's angry then tell your mum- that's what I do because my
mum does get really mad like my dad.
4) You could buy a new camera?

Hope this helps x

Had you told father this four months ago, this now would all be history…
You can't fix it, you know nothing about camera repairs, nor have the tools to do the work.
How about trying to be mature about the matter and be honest about it?
" Father, I was careless about the camera, and accidental broke it. I throw myself on the mercy of the court ".

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