What is best to record music on?

So I've been told I'm a good singer and want to record some music to burn onto a CD. So what should I record on to get the most quality? An iPhone, iPad, Laptop, Video Camera, or regular camera? Please help! Thanks!

Added (1). I can't afford to go to a recording studio and I don't want to spend lots of money if I'm not that great. So if you could please not suggest this, that would be great!

Audacity is a brilliant free software for recording music: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and here's a decent microphone for your laptop/pc: http://m.shop.bt.com/products/trust-starzz-microphone--analogue--8K1Q.html

A desktop or laptop would be first preference then a camcorder, or good quality digital camera that can do audio as well as video. But if at all possible, use an external plugged in microphone.

If you can get a decent microphone, then I suggest you do. Which the starting cost should be around fifty US dollars minimum. Anything under thirty, and the quality is going to be lacking. The microphones that comes in most computers, and cellphones is not of the best quality. Anything that's under twenty dollars are more on the level of a child's toy.

Even a fifty dollar external microphone, is considered to be fairly cheap, when compared to professional or studio quality, which can start around two hundred dollars. If nothing else try to borrow one, that is in that range.

Now a warning. If you have never heard yourself recorded before, Be prepared to not like your voice. But what you hear, will be how others hear you. The reason being that your sinus cavities, affect how you hear yourself. You're basic initial reaction is going to be, "that is not how I sound." This is also another reason to stay away from low quality microphones, as they can make someone sound worse than they are.

Edit point:

A microphone for about eight pounds British sterling, is somewhere in the twelve to fourteen dollar exchange rate range.