What is better the iphone 5 or the nexus 4 which comes out next week?

What is better the iphone 5 or the nexus 4 which comes out next week?

IPhone's are *** mate, seriously.

Surely I phone 5 for resale value reasons.

*** iphone. Take note 2, s3, nexus 4, htc one x plus or lumia 920.

As an Apple user for a few years I've learnt a lot. I started off with an iPod Touch, and then moved onto iPad, and now even iPhone.
Android phones are unsafe for keeping details from Internet thieves, they are slow and unreliable but the new ones are slightly better than the old ones with thieves but I wold still recommend iPhone as they are generally better!

Nexus! No question. Iphones a good but the 5 is just a waste of money, there not much different to the 4 or 4s, just a better camera. Android is on its way up, apples on its way out.

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