What is saturation current in an inductor?

I need to understand inductors better. I've read online a lot, but all the answers are partial, technical, or have too many equations. I don't understand that stuff since I'm a noob.

I've heard current saturation is the point where the magnetic field can't increase more or something. But I confuse that with inductance as well.

Does this mean that a 1.6 amp current saturation inductor would work fine with 1 amp flowing through it? I'm referring to dc current by the way… Like in an iPhone for example.

Also, just curious, how does a capacitor work as a filter to ground in an iPhone for example? Some people say it passes ac but not dc. Others say no current ever passes though a capacitor, and ac will pull and push electrons on the plates. But I fail to see how option 2 would filter then.

ANY Help IN PLAIN ENGLISH would be so greatly appreciated! Please understand I'm a simple folk. I can't fathom equations and super technical stuff, at least not yet. How could I if I don't know the basics?

For the capacitor part, you just need a standard introduction to AC.

Saturation only generally applies to metal or ferrite etc. Cored inductors, not open wound or air cored.
It a the limiting factor of the core material.

Basically, consider it as a limit that should never be reached, like current limit of a size of wire or voltage limits of components. Anything suitably lower is fine.

A capacitor can be thought of as an analog of a stretchy rubber membrane across a pipe.

It will pass variations in pressure (AC) but not allow continuous flow (DC, or the DC part).

As a decoupling device it acts as a reservoir across a supply, charging from the supply voltage or pressure and discharging, feeding back out, if a sudden current(flow) demand causes the supply pressure (voltage) to drop at all.

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