What is the best free photo editor?

I want to use the whiten teeth, darken eyes, airbrush blemishes, change eye and lip colour, add blusher… But the picmonkey is not for free anymore Any suggestions?
Second i want another one to use it in changing a pic into negative like those on the iphone and ipad.

I know of one but it's complex
The best free one of my knowledge would be GIMP. It's practically a free photoshop and it's extremely effective if used correctly: D

A pretty good example of this would be

FREE software (No Animation):

http://www.getpaint.net/ (#1! Very user friendly)
GIMPshop is available for many different operating systems, including Mac OS X, Windows 98+, Linux, and Solaris: http://gimpshop.com/
Free VCW VicMan's Photo Editor: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-free-alternatives-photoshop/
FotoMix (FotoMix enables you to mix and blend pictures to achieve green-screen or blue-screen effects.): http://www.snapfiles.com/get/fotomix.html

Pos Free Photo Editor: http://www.photopos.com/Pos-Free-Photo-Editor.asp
Photoscape: http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php
DogWaffle: http://www.dogwaffle.info/dogwaffle/free/index.html
A brother of Pixia: Phierha is introduced! (Windows 7 Compatible): http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mighty/knight/
Best Free Paint Program: http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-paint-program.htm

Picasa or GIMP.

Or you can find the free version of photoshop. Personally, sometimes I use photoshop to make complex photo effects. And for the easy staffs, I would choose Softease PhotoMagic.

Try Ribbet, it has whiten teeth, darken eyes, airbrush blemishes, change eye and lip colour, add blush etc:


For a limited time Ribbet Premium is free if you sign up.

The future of photo editor is fotor. It is simple beautiful, fun exciting, quick, and you can upload it immediately after post processing.
Secondly, it is available for iPhone, android and win8.
Well done!

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