What is the best iphone 5 bumper case and screen protector?

A soft screen protector that's smooth on your fingers

For screen protector, I'd go for This screen protector is the absolute best protection you can buy. It can withstand a direct hammer hit! Go to youtube and you will see the video. Amazing stuff. It was easy to apply and position thanks to the included application spray. Zero bubbles. Made in USA, top quality product. The most important thing is to protect your screen from breakage or scratching. This product does that better than anything else.

I have no idea for the case since I don't use it.

A good bumper case should beautiful and durable, recommend you a good website, maybe you'll find your favorite there. Http://www.case2case.net/

Look on http://iphonecases.name/iphone-5-cases-c-23.html it has really cute cases

I've had a few of these and i got the best one from a site i found online

Look at this http://dx.com/...ets-iPhone you will find what you need…

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