What is the best iPhone 5 case? - 1

I was tginking about the Otterbox Defender or the Ballistic Hard Core? I want one that's durable, preferably not too big, and maybe that works with the 30 to 8-pin adapter? I only use one hand if that makes a difference? Durability is key. Please give me suggestions.

Otterbox is good. I like skull candy, they make hard durable cases. Just go to Best Buy they have a whole area for cases.

The Otterbox Defender is a heavy duty case that will pretty much survive you driving a tractor over it, but it more than doubles the size of your slim iPhone 5.It might be overkill. Otterbox has the "Commuter" series, which is still protective but much smaller. I prefer Case-Mate's "Tough" series case, since it's built really well but still looks stylish.

The Otterbox cases have port covers for all the openings (to protect your phone from dirt and moisture), but they also tend to get in the way. In my opinion it's a bit of 'protection overkill', and the Case-Mate is more than good enough to protect your phone against repeated drops on the sidewalk.

You can skim through this site, I always got some smart and durable cases for my iphone. What's more, they are pretty.

Also look on http://iphonecases.name/iphone-5-cases-c-23.html really good iphone 5 cases