What is the best mobile debit/credit card reader for me?

I have a very small business run from my home and paying only in cash can be a hassle so I want there to be other options. There are 7 card reader brands that I know of (Inuit Quickbooks Gopayment, Square reader, Pay Anywhere, Paypal Here reader, Amazon Local register, Secure Net Payments, and Flint mobile reader) and I want to know which one would be the best for my situation.

- I want one that can read debit and credit cards (preferably without an additional charge for one or the other).
- One that works with Canadian cards since I'm in Canada.
- I only have an ipod, no iphone or ipad, so I want one that can work with my ipod.
- It's a super small business with small, infrequent payments, so I want a payment plan that would work for that, and would be worth it.

Feel free to suggest any other readers you know of!

I have a small business that uses mostly cash too. When someone wants to pay with his card, I have them use PayPal. They can do it from your iPad, or their smart phone.