What is the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit in the iPhone 5S?

I was wondering what is 64 bit and why does it matter on an iPhone? What makes it different than the iPhone 5 or any other smartphone right now, and should we really care?

The difference is 32 bits. Lol but no really it has to do with the processes. Makes for a faster phone.

P.S. I really have no idea.

The iPhone 5S was just recently announced a week ago as the very first smartphone built around 64 bit architecture. It is a somewhat difficult concept to wrap your head around, but essentially the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit lies in how efficient the systems manage data. Here's a Youtube video that might help you understand the difference a little better, in layman's terms:

64 bits will do your number crunching a bit faster and will support more memory. All smartphones will be 64 bit eventually, so that is why the 5S is somewhat unique because it is the very first one.

Simply its faster then 32bit chips, especially when it comes to calculations and things like gaming. It also can hold far more memory so its set for the future. 5S is the only 64bit phone out there today.