What is the difference between IPod, IPhone, Mobile, Teblet?
I want to puchase phone but as I do not know any differences between this new gadgets, I'm very confused. I prefer to buy phone having these futures: Touch screen of 3.5", 5 MP Camera with maximum resolution Full HD reproduction, USB Port, Good audio Recording and Stereo Sound reproduction, FM Radio, Good vidio recording ( more then 16 Fps ) and good reproduction and good memory, light weight, Wab Brousing and I prefer to buy affordable by middle class people. I'm staying in Mumbai-India and my likely brands are Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Sony and any others which are easily available in Mumbai and having above stated features, moderate price. Please note that I'm retired person of 77 years of age and my use of Mobile is very spare, Please suggest me a good Mobile and allow me to fulfil my this wish before I retire from this life permanently. Thanks for sparing few moments for me. God Bless You. Bye…
If you want a phone you'll have to buy an iPhone or an Android phone. The other items are not phone equipped.
What the difference between a mobile phone and a ipod
- What's the difference between an iPhone and iPod (touch)? Besides how an iPod can't be used like a phone. Is there any other differences between an iPod Touch and iPhone?
- What is the difference between unlocked iPhone 6 and T-Mobile no contract iPhone 6? So I tried to go on apple website and look for an unlocked version iPhone 6 Plus, but they only have T-Mobile version is without any contract, but it comes with a T-Mobile SIM card, does it means that I have to use this card and T-Mobile service? Can I use other carrier's card instead if I buy this version of iPhone? I travel a lot, like going back to China, I use China Mobile, can I use their SIM card on this T-Mobile iPhone?
- What is the difference between iPod touch and iPhone 5? They both look like mobile phones? With same ios 6.same processor? I think display is different and calling?
- What is the difference between iPod touch and iPhone 5? - 1 They both look like mobile phones? With same ios 6.same processor? I think display is different then?