What is the haptic engine in an iPhone 7, 8, etc?

Physically pressing the home button makes the area around it vibrate…

Is this new "haptic engine" meant to boost security? What exactly is its function?

Why does the button have to be physically pressed to unlock the device?

Haptic is a scientific word for things related to the sense of touch. The main reason for the Taptic Engine is to add some tactile sensation that the flat glass surface doesn't offer. So, when you press down on the home button area, you can tell you've succeeded and can move on to the next step. (Convenience, not security.)

Its a more precise vibration motor, also used for haptic feedback in the iPhones that have it. Nothing to do with security. The Home button doesn't have to be physically pressed to unlock the phone. Its optional that you have to press the Home button after Touch ID authenticates you.

The way to type.

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