What is your favorite invention of the 21st century (2000 onwards)?
Your invention must have been invented in the year 2000 or later.
Suggestions include but are not limited to:
- PlayStation 2 (2000)
- Bluetooth (2000)
- iPod (2001)
- Original Xbox (2001)
- Nintendo GameCube (2001)
- Reddit (2002)
- Firefox (2002)
- iTunes Store (2003)
- FaceBook (2004)
- Twitter (2005)
- Xbox 360 (2005)
- Nintendo Wii (2006)
- PlayStation 3 (2006)
- iPhone (2007)
- Kindle (2007)
- Hulu.com (2008)
- Controller Free Gaming (2009)
- iPad (2010)
- PrintBush (2011)
The internal combustion engine. I bought one of these and it fits inside the "car" I've owned for a few years now (pre-engine, it was just sitting there doing nothing). It's great. Much better than trains and taxis.
I think the fidget spinner is probably one of the most original inventions. It will define its decade.
Applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for genome editing.
Nothing good has been invented since Vistavision.
Noise-cancelling headphones
- iPhone (2007)
Amazon Echo
- Why do 20th century born people think they had a better childhood than us 21st century borns? People born before 2000 think they had a good childhood. How stupid are they? The 20th century was the most violent century of all times so you can get killed or hurt back then. As a 2000 born, I think I can easily say the 2010s dominates the '90s, the '90s wasn't good anyway. The '90s sitcoms were stupid, the '90s music sounded like a man farting on a public restroom, movies were boring, games were stupid, no iphones/social media existed, etc.
- Why do 20th century born people say their century is better than ours? I was born in 2000, I love laughing at people born before me! Anyway, these dummies now says the 20th century is better than my century. Ha! No. Their century has: WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Korean War, so many wars! My century has: Social Media and iPhones I just don't understand why are they full of cancer! How sad!
- Why do 20th century born people hate the 21st century due to 'social media' when they're the idiots who created it in the first place? As a 2000 Born, I just learned that people born before (20th century borns) are very critically and mentally-impaired when it comes to nostalgia. These dummies now say that my birth century sucks because of social media and the iPhone invention. Will guess what? These were invented by 20th century borns and they're the reason why my birth century is hated.
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