What items can you take with you to boot camp?

My girlfriend is going to Marines boot camp in a month and we don't talk about all the details and she won tell me if I ask. So I was wondering what you can and can't take.
Like can you take an iPhone or any phone? Is there any way we can talk? Also regular items you need. And items you SHOULDN'T take

Absolutely nothing, they literaly strip you of the clothes off your back. At least that was how it was in the navy

The clothes on your back and $20.

everything else will be sent back home or locked up until graduation.

do NOT expect any phone calls at all, they must be earned. Communication is via cards and letters.

Do not bring ANYTHING, you will be given(and by given i mean you will pay for it out of your paycheck) everything you need, bring some money so you can eat on the way there

you will talk to her through letters, the only time she would get to make a phone call if she was the company high shooter or highest pft or something like that, or if you were at the intel screening office and you needed to call someone to get information

Her recruiter will cover all of this before she ships out, but, no, she won't be taking an i-phone to Paris Island. You can write to her as much as you want through the USPS and she will be happy to get the letters, but that's it. Snail mail. Old skul. It's only 12 weeks, give or take.
EVERYTHING she needs and can have will be issued to her, everything else that she brings will either be confiscated or put in a bag that she won't get back until she graduates. Plan accordingly. Be as supportive and understanding as you can, and that will go a long way. If you're curious, there are a number of books that offer insight into the experience, although, not really from a female perspective. My recruiter gave me"Boot" by De Cruz to read. Shouldn't be hard to find. Semper Fi

Clothes and just a bit of money for the PX, even your clothes will be taken away upon arrival, they will provide you with everything you need

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