What just happened to my gameloft my little pony game for the iphone 4?

I had a lovely parasprite free ponyville. No rocks, no mean-face trees, and the shadows were lessing by the day. Then when I went to turn it on today it took longer to load than usual. BOOM there are literally dozens and dozens of parasprites in every sector as well as bolders and mean trees. WHY? ToT

Added (1). It also told me prince blueblood was on sale for $20 bucks.e_e so fyi all players… Oh! I'm cosmicdrift.feel free to visit my beleaguered 'ville. I've done worse to it than Nightmare Moon…

It's Gameloft's way of keeping you playing. They pip up parasprites and other junk out of nowhere, forcing you to grind bits and element shards to get rid of them. Kind of sucks, really.

And iOS still hasn't seen the Hearts and Hooves update, even though Android for it almost a week ago. -.