What problems should I look out for on my new iphone 5?

I took the plunge and went for an iphone 5. I have 7 days to return it if I don't like it - what problems should I look out for?

Short battery life, bad reception, silent switch not working, all speakers working well.

Poltergeists. Demon possession.

You brought this phone for some reason or need. Right? Just look if there any problem to that!

The iphone 5 doesn't have may problems the only common problems are short battery life ( don't leave loads of apps open double tab the home button and close them below) don't use Bluetooth on if you don't need it turn Wi-Fi off if you don't need it or use it also the power button at the top sometimes sticks and makes it difficult to press ( i've had my iphone for over a year and its just happened to mine) apart from those 2 its a pretty solid phone. Just comes down to if you like the look and feel of the thing.