What programs do I use to make photos like this? (pics included)?

So I want to know how to turn normal pictures into pictures like these with and iPhone app or even a computer program
I know about photoshop and I have photoshop but I have no idea how to use it. I've tried many times but it's just do hard
Thanks dolls!



Hate to be the one to break it, but that was done with photoshop. You could probably do it with Fireworks, the gimp, or paint.net. The problem with these being that it probably won't look nearly as seamless.

To be more specific for the first picture, they probably used the cloud sky photo as a base, cropped the picture of the young woman on the swings, put that picture as a second layer, then feathered the edges and slightly dropped the focus to give it the ethereal look. Add some friggin fairy dust effects and a lens flare and blammo!

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