What's better? Iphone 4s or Samsung galaxy s2?
What's better? Iphone 4s or Samsung galaxy s2?
Don't get Samsung, it's Korean. Why would you put your money into the Korean economy instead of your own?
Don't listen to the guy above, ill definitely, strongly recommennd you the Samsung Galaxy S2
I like both phones. Some features are good in galaxy s2 and some in iphone. I love iphone 4s in white. Its really great and I suggest you too. The reason behind why I'm suggesting you this is because of some applications like Transcribeme. I like this very much and find very useful & helpful because I can now easily record my interviews and conferences and this app transcribe them and deliver transcripts via mail. Its 24/7 available and no down time also. You should also try this. You will find this helpful in keeping written record of your conversations.
The apart from S2's larger screen, all the specs are similar such as cameras and processors. It really depends which operating system you prefer, if you prefer Android, get Samsung or if you prefer iOS, get the iPhone.
- Will my Beats by dre Mixr sound better on the Samsung Galaxy S3, or iPhone? Basically my old contract has ended and i'm looking to purchase a new phone, and it's between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3. One of the main features that i'm looking at is the sound quality with the Beats headphones, as i also have an ipod but it's quite old. Is the sound quality better with the iPhone 5 or samsung galaxy s3? Sound quality with the Beats by Dre headphones comparing the iPhone5 with the SG3.
- Which is better: iPhone 5c/ iPhone 4s or Samsung Galaxy s3? I want all of the specks and details and i want to know everything. Which one is better, faster, easier to use, most convenient, worth my money. Please give me everything I'm looking for, things I need to know before buying, EVERYTHING Please AND Thank you!
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- What is a good phone, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S2, or Samsung Galaxy S3? I need a new phone and I'm wondering which I should get. My friend is selling his GS2 for around 50 Bucks and I could possibly get an iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3. Can you tell me the prices with and without the plan. And for people that have these phones could you tell me how good it is and which carrier(Sprint, Verizon, At&T)?