What's the best case for an iPhone 4S?

So I got my 4S, and now I need a case. I want a case that will protect my phone if I drop it. I've seen Otterbox Defender, Trident Kraken, Griffin Survivor and Lifeproof. I can't stand Lifeproof. They suck so don't say that. Haha I like the defender and the kraken, but I'm just not sure which will protect my phone the most. If you could help me by saying which one is better, great. If I'm completely wrong and there's another case that will protect it the most, please lemme know.

The defender I have one for my 5 and its great

I would definitely check out speck cases before you buy anything yet. They're really nice, high quality cases and don't cost much. And considering how much bulk otterboxes add to an iPhone, Speck cases keep it very slim while also providing drop protection but that's just my opinion. I had a lifeproof too but I agree, it seriously sucked and now I use Speck for all my devices.


The Amphibian protects from sand AND water. Its from Innopocket. I heard its great for waterproof…

I think the Survivor Case with Stand for iPhone4/4S is the best protective, I have a black one, and you know, it protects my iphone from extreme conditions and a host of other environmental factors, very well even I don't have test it.