What's the difference between 3G and LTE on iPhone 5?

What's the difference between 3G and LTE on iPhone 5?

LTE is way faster uploading and downloading

LTE is LongTermEvolution. It is 4G. A better net work than 3G. A lot faster.

LTE is a completely different technology, but putting in that it's an iPhone 5 doesn't make a difference… 3G is either EV-DO or UMTS, depending on what carrier (LTE is 4G). Basically, LTE is 10 times faster than 3G theoretically. UMTS or EV-DO offer theoretical speeds of 6mbps (megabytes/second) download, and LTE is around the range of 60-70mbps. Theoretical isn't nearly what you see in the real world, though, but usually with 3G you see 0.5-1mbps and with LTE you'll see anywhere from 15mbps(on the slow side) to 40mbps(fast bursts). LTE makes an ENORMOUS difference in speed, but remember that depending on how your network conditions are, your speeds may vary up or down from there.

4G technology(LTE) is replacing the 3G networks. 3G technology which was introduced earlier allow the people go online using your mobile phone. But 3 G technology created many problems as it was not the faster and was also less reliable. Fourth generation technology offers the fast speed as compared to 3G technology, With help of this technology almost all the people are connected form each and every corner.

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