What's the Difference Between a Matte and Glossy Finish?

I'm in the process of making an iPhone case, and it's asking if I want a matte finish or a glossy finish. What's the difference? Which one would make for a better case? The matte finish is more expensive, so does that mean it's more durable and a better case for my phone?

Glossy as the name says is shiny, attracting finger prints and all. Matte finish is not shiny, its like dull.
hey, why not google it

Glossy would be all shiny and outstanding and reflective, and matte would be simple, outstanding, smooth slightly dull, its like a hard smooth finish, personally for a case i would prefer glossy

On a phone case a:

a glossy finish would mean the picture would be shiny. It's a thin layer of clear that runs on top of the picture. The clear should thick too where it getting dirty should not be bad.

A matte finish would be better as it can be more rugged and still maintain a good look. It will look good and the shine doesn't mean dark or rough just plain.

Glossy will give off a shiny finish and is quite reflective, but It will leave fingerprints easily. For matte, It will not be shiny, but more of a dull, flat color. I actually recommend glossy, it will look better. As far as durability, I don't think it makes a difference either way.

No one can tell you whether is better, as it is just based on your own feeling.
Someone like matte, then other ones like glossy.
What you have to consider is the quality, so I would like to refer a website to you.
I think those cases are more beautiful.
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