What's the girls problem in the story?
Miranda walked into school, she sat down down at the pink table with all the other cheerleaders, "Hey girls! How are you? " miranda asked her friends. "Hey miranda, and good. " they all responded because she's the most popular cheerleader captain in the entire school. Ryan walked up to miranda and gave her a huge smile becauses hes the most popular football captain in the entire school. Ryan then kept staring, then at the ground… This went on for like i don't know three hours -.-! Then he said " Hey miranda, what's up?" miranda responded " Good ryan, you?". "I'm good nm, nice seeing you at the game last time: DD!" he said. " yup bye ryan. " miranda said, gettting a pair of lipgloss in her purse. Lily was very jellous because she loves ryan for all of her heart:]! But she's not popular unlike miranda with her shiny blonde straight hair and her cute lipgloss applied with pink blsh and eye shaddow. Lily wore a brown head band with brown hair and a blue shirt with black pants and red shoes. Lily plays about every sport exept football, ryan loves her but miranda is a hot cheer leader? He doesn't know who he should pick but if i were him i choose the cheerleader 0_0. Miranda got her iphone out and started texting her friend on facebook, " Hey veronnica? Do you think ryan is cuter then henry? " miranda sked her friend, "nah ryans hotter: PP" veronnica said also texting ryan on her iphone.
She has erectile dysfunction.
Other than the spelling and grammar, which really needs work, Miranda's problem is that already she screams Mary Sue. She's the prettiest, most popular cheerleader who apparently has guys willing to stand in front of her nervously for three hours. Lily's problem is she's the spoiled, jealous opposite.
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