What SAT vocabulary lists should I memorize?

I just signed up for the May 2013 SAT. I'm almost done memorizing the words in Princeton Review's Word Smart I. I should finish it by the end of March. However, I feel that it is not enough. Can you please link some SAT word lists that I should memorize to score well on the vocab section of Reading? Any other tips? Helpful iPhone apps? Any tips are useful! Thank you.

Added (1). I want to get as close to 2400 as possible!

Word Smart is great.

I also recommend Kaplan's Vocabulary Prep Levels I and II and Quizlet.com.

This website has various recommended books by section: http://hs.beestar.org/exam?cmd=show_study_ref_list

And they also offer free math exercises (if you're looking to work on your math as well).In case you do sign up, please list me (love2teach101@gmail.com) as your referrer.

Also concentrate on Latin and Greek root words.

Hope that helps!

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