What should I ask as a graduation gift?

I just graduated from university and my father wants go buy me a graduation gift up to 500 dollars. There's nothing I really need right, except from money but he says he really wants to buy me a gift.
I need a phone so I thought I'd ask for an iphone because I never had one, but a phone is something that I won't have in 10 years. What would be a good gift to ask that would last for life?

A beating

Do you have a lap top? You can ask him for that. How about a digital picture frame so you can store all of your memories on? An IPad? A Kindle Fire?

Here's a thought to a person with a very generous family. By the way, congrats on your graduation. Only you can come up with the right answer, of course, but here's a side line you might consider. Do you think that an object or an experience would be a better lasting legacy for your father's gift? Depending on your major and grand career scheme, perhaps a trip somewhere relevant might be a target. If you're into anthropology, for example, maybe a tour of the Aztec ruins? If you're a sociology major, then maybe use the 500 as your personal bank roll while volunteering for a year with an organization that helps villages in disaster.

Whatever your decision, I applaud that you are asking for advice when you find your initial reaction being less than what you think your father would think most highly of. I say that because I'm a father, by the way.

Dr. D

Anything whatever you like

Something that will last for life? What you want is a keepsake.

If you're a girl, maybe a piece of jewelry. If you're a guy, maybe a nice watch. If you're going to be working in an office, maybe a fancy pen and pencil set with your name engraved or a leather briefcase. Maybe a piece of artwork that you can display in your house.

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