What should I do if people call me a snob?

I have found out that some girls I know are calling me an 'elitist snob' behind my back. I've been classically educated since 3rd grade, do debate instead of a sport, and dress nicely, while all the rest of them dress either like slobs or dress immodestly. Our family is probably the most well-to-do out of the bunch. But, I don't own an iPhone, and try to be as courteous and classy as possible. They have not gotten to know me long enough to make this claim, however, they continue to have this assumption.
I guess you could assert that I'm a snob b/c I'm well-educated and dress nicely, but I'd call that classy instead.
Please no rude comebacks as responses to them.

Just ignore them

Girls are just horrible to each other.rise above the static and f-em all.

Ignore them, they are probably jealous