What should i spend my money on?

I'm a 13year old girl i have been saving my money for a while. I don't know what to spend it on. I got 250$
i already have

tons of clothes (not much time to wear cuz i gota wear skool uniforms ALLOT!)
iphone (can't upgrade to the iphone five for too years)

(please don't call me a spoiled brat, i buy my stuff with hard earned babysitting money)

You should just keep saving

I would buy lunch for a homeless person and the get things you would see yourself using often that would come in handy. Like I want I buy a mirror for my room. Laptop sound awesome but I would get an I pod: D

If you don't know what to spend it on, you probably don't need anything so save it for now. What if you spend it on something you really don't need and your laptop or iphone breaks right after. You won't have money to fix it or replace it? Think how good it feels to have that money. Take some of that money, put a lot of thought into it and buy something special for your parents. Gift of giving, have you ever experienced that?

Keep saving until you want a car or something.

Start saving up for a car! Your going to be driving before you know it!

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