What social class am i considered to be?

I live in a 144 sqqm APARTMENT it has two floors
My mom has an iphone ipad and i have a macbook air iphone ipod and share an imac
Basically all of my clothes are from designers like ralph lauren or tommy hilfiger.
I'm not spoiled, if my mom thinks i don't need sth she won't buy me it.
I go to a private school
My mom is a diplomat (in the polish embassy)
I have tiffany jewelry and my mom has cartier watches
We drive a volvo (ok i don't know why i said that lol)
so what social class am i?

Everything you say speaks up lower-upperclass. But your apartment immediately drops you to upper-middleclass.
At least in my perspective. Housing is expensive, if you had an extravagant house, you might not have as much material goods.

Upper class. That's apparent by all the possessions you have and the fact that you're an airhead.

Sounds like your parents are rich

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