What things do should I have in my Christmas wish list?

Ok so i'm not sure what I really want for Christmas this year. All I have so far on my Christmas wish list is an Ipod or an Iphone, an OHSAA basketball, a LCD or Plasma Screen for my room, and a miny fridge for my room, I'm a thriteen year old boy I love sports especially basketball, baseball, and football. I also like videogames I got two recently on black friday (NCCA Football13, and Resident Evil 6) and but still if there are any good ones out there please list them. Lastly anything electronic wise except for an Ipod or an Iphone would be good. So if you have any gift that you think would be good for me please answer with it.

Just write for a Christmas miracle. That's all I want for Christmas I don't want any gifts just a miracle

I don't get a gift.

1. A Visa credit card with a limited amount of money on it. They can be used at any store.
2. Food items such as a large basket of fruit. You can find these at grocery stores when it gets close to Christmas.
3. Christmas Flowers.
4. Christmas box of foods such as summer sausages, cheeses, and etc.
5. Large box of good brand chocolates.
6. Wine.
7. DVD movies.
8. Netflix
9. Something for the house or bedroom.
10.Box of frozen rib eye steaks from a mail order steak house. They come in dry ice. Take out the dry ice and put steaks in their box into a freezer.
11.Crock Pot.
12.Kitchen electric grill such as the George Foreman type… But there are many more brands to choose from if you wish.

FUN GADGETS for boyfriends, brothers, dads:

1. Dynaflex Powerball.
2. Golf GPS.
3. Finger drums(let their fingers do the drums).
4. USB missile launcher.
5. Snowball maker.
6. Magic wand remote.
7. Tablet computer floor stand.
8. USB desktop fan.
9. Swiss army knife USB.
10.Tape-to-MP3 converter.
11.Laser projection keyboard.
12.Electric scooter.
13.Jacket, gloves, hat, scarf.
14.Pull over sweater.
For Girls:

1. Video games for girls
2. Sims 3 video game.
3. Game console like a wii and a couple of games.
4. A Visa credit card with a limited amount of money on it. They can be used at any store.
5. Electric scooter.
6. Terry cloth bath robe with matching bath slippers.
7. Matching nail polish and lip stick.
8. Kitchen appliances for learning to cook.
9. Chairs for girls and teen ager girls; click this link, hope it shows:




You should have Halo 4 and Fifa 13 on your list too as far as video games are concerned. If you like reading then Kindle 7, if not then Nexus 7 tablet.

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