What was he doing? Does he like me?

So we were on a school Trip together and back then we were pretty good friends (we're really close now) and some guy said something about my iPhone 5 and (he has one too) body slammed the guy against the wall. The guy that said it is usually really annoying.

And then yesterday we were in math and he is like ok I'm gonna come sit next to Abe and my bestie! And I'm like who's your bestie? And he's like YOU! And then today he was like I'm gonna come sit next to you todayyy!

And then we were doing math and a couple of other guys came up and he was like I liked it better when it was just you and me! And I was like i know right? Me too!

And he and I always say like HEY GURL to each other in the hall and class and stuff and my friend said it to me cuz apparently we started a trend at our school and he and I were walking and he whispered to me while we were going downstairs like "did she steal our hey GURL thing?"

He's a year older btw.

I think he's just playing around

No he does not like you. No guy, or girl for that matter, will ever use the words; buddy, pal, friend, or anything along those lines if he/she sees even the slight possibility of having any kind of romantic relationship in the future.

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