What will happen if I entered an incorrect credit card while pre ordering iPhone 6?

I pre ordered an iPhone 6 last night from the Apple store app. I was half asleep when I entered my CC# and am concerned that maybe I entered it incorrectly.

My wife did the same and our CC statement now shows a charge pending for her phone by not mine.

We both got confirmations from Apple saying our orders are being processed.

Could I have gotten to this point if I entered an incorrect CC number? What will happen if Apple is unable to process my car?

If the CC number wasn't valid it would not have taken the order

There's a difference between accepting an order and paying for it. Companies usually won't ship a product if the credit card has been declined. They will notify you of a problem before shipment so you can correct the situation.

Yeah, the order wouldn't have been accepted with a bad cc number.

No order, it would be declined.