What would happen if assembly line wasn't made?

If Henry ford didn't invent the assembly line what would be happening today? Like how much would famous products cost be? Like iPhone, how much more would the price for iPhone be, or any other famous products? What would be cars prices? Would there be less cars? What would be the situations for employment would there be less people or more? How does assembly line help the daily life for all of us?

Items would be much more expensive but it is hard to give an exact figures. This is a business/economics question (not physics) so you could try asking in the Economics section (link).

There are cars which are not made by Henry Fords assembly line.
Although it helped to get prices down the offset is that "you can have any colour as long as it's black"
So we have moved away from the pure assembly line. RSI and worker dissatisfaction have also played a part.

The key for the assembly line was that an operator performed one simple operation. Repetitively.
And quickly became very fast at this. But that is incompatible with the variety of models that people want.

Today's approach is more of a hybrid.
And owing to convergent evolution we may well have reached this same point without having had a pure assembly line at any time.

It is all conjecture.

Today we depend far more on robots and computers to avoid the repetitive work.