What would you do? IPhone 5 vs LG Optimus G?
For starters, I live in Canada. For the past three years, I have been head over heels in love with my Blackberry Bold 9700, enough so that I also own a Playbook. Sadly, however, I see no future between myself and other RIM products, and it absolutely breaks my heart. But, as my contract is soon ending and my phone is starting to slow down, it's time to part ways with my current phone. And I think I've narrowed down my preferences down to the iPhone 4S/ iPhone 5, and the LG Optimus G.
I've never owned an Apple product, other than an iPod from about five years ago - so is an iPhone worth it? I never plan on buying a mac. But, on the other hand, I haven't been hearing good things about Android products, and their (lack of) lifespan, either. What's your opinion? Which one would be better for my situation?
I would love a windows phone to go with my PC, but I'm not a fan of any of the current (three) Windows 8 phones on the market right now. If only I could have a Windows OS, in a black iPhone, with the Android App market. That would be great.
So, what would you do in my shoes?
Get the iPhone 5! It's definitely worth the investment, and I absolutely live mine. You can never go wrong with one.
I would get the lumia 920 if i were you
but if you don't like then you should wait till bb10 phones come out cause they are amazing
they are way different than the current phone and phone os you have
with bb10 they took everything that is good with os7 and fixed it to become even better
and took the things that are not good and also fixed them
bb10 handles real multitasking
unlike almost all other phones
the web browser has also been improved
and it handles better html5 test now than any other browser out there
it also passed a coupled of tests that many desktop browsers failed to pass
bb10 won't have the same app problem like os7
bb10 will be launching with more than 100, 000 apps which is a very good number
especially that they are concentrating on quality not quantity
you have something called peek which allows you to look at your notifications, reply to a message, email and so on without even closing the app
in january rim will be unveiling 2 of its new bb10 phones
one will be full touch
and the second will be touch with a physical qwerty keyboard
i myself am waiting for a bb10 phone and you should do
hope i helped.
tell me what you decided to do
and if you got any question you can email me at spieleranswers@outlook.com
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