What would you rather learn out of these?

Pick one!

-Android (java) programming or objective C (iphone programming)
-another human language that you don't know (like, spanish, japanese, chinese, etc etc)
-how to play either guitar or piano
-gymnastics or martial arts

Already do martial arts, play guitar, and have 4 languages under my belt, so I guess I would try another language

Gymnastics or Martial Arts.


1. Java since I already know Objective C
2. Chinese
3. Guitar, I can play piano already
4. Martial Arts


I'll go for learning Chinese language! Chinese is becoming a very popular language in today's day and age. It's so popular that many students from abroad are going to Taiwan and China just for the sole purpose of conquering the language and adding another tack onto their resume.

By the way, I'm teaching Chinese online via Skype, add me to have a FREE Trial! My skype name is: chinese.tutor.frank or GO TO http://www.chinesehulu.com/tutoring

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