What zone am i in with her? Rate?
I met this girl in the college cafeteria last week. The table was nearly empty so i went over and sat next to her. She was studying for calculus. I said "hey, do you need with that?" She looked at me for about 3.5 seconds and said "hmm.ok" with a smiling face. I explained how to solve problems for about 21 minutes. She said, "thanks a lot" and asked my name. I wrote my name, phone number, and email address on a piece of paper and gave it to her. She gave me this awkward smile, then she left. It has been awhile now and i have been checking my email everyday and carry my iphone everwhere i go, but still nothing from her.
am i in the friendzone or acquiantancezone with this girl?
oh please rate me while you're at it.
Wrong section. This is for religion.
Acquaintance zone… Unless she texts you, just leave it be. Or if you see her again, say hi and ask to hang out.
Sorry, but neither here. You got used and then thrown away. Maybe you went too fast and creeped her out. She asked for your name, but you gave her all kinds of information.
I think you've entered the Twilight Zone. You should probably ask this question in relationships rather than religion & spirituality.
You're in the obsessed stalker zone.
Rating… Chicken now, not a good look for you… Other than that OVER 9000!
Oh woe
Randomdudewhospent21minutesexplaining mathtoherzone
Wrong section
Obsessed Stalker is right; she didn't want your company, you forced it upon her!
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