What's better android or iphone? - 1

I go with iphone


Whatever is cheaper.
In my case the android.


Iphone. But it depends on what you like best

I like iPhone.

I've had the iphone, i prefer my droid bionic… It's my 5th smartphone, and it's the best one i've ever had…


I like android.
More choices.


I've had iphone 4s, recently i bought galaxy s3.
trust me its way way better.use it u'r self.
but i even like iphone.

i'll go with android anyways.

They each have advantages and disadvantages

Apple disadvantage uses cords only apple uses. You can't insure iphone against loss and theft
apple is very locked down to apple apps
Apple advantage easy to use

for me Samsung galaxy 3 better than apple because I can easily find a cord or charger that works with my phone
for $11 a month if I loose my phone I'm out $150 deductible not over $600 for new phone.
Androids can add memory with SD micro chip

I think iphone 5 and Samsung Galaxy 3 about same but most people have bias in favor of android or apple

if iphones where insurable I would have at least tried one

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