What's the best iphone 3gs case?

I need an iphone 3gs case that won't let the screen crack if i drop it.(I drop my iphone ALOT) but isn't too expensive.

There are some cheap ones on ebay. They aren't the otter brand but they seem similar. But, to be honest, I don't think there are any cases that won't prevent the screen from cracking. I knew a girl that had one of those expensive otter cases and she dropped her phone and it still cracked the screen really bad. I think when you buy the otter brand case, you're mostly paying for the brand name because there's no case that will prevent damage.

Try something like this:
2 in 1 Hybrid Silicone Rubber+Cover Case for APPLE iPhone 3 3G

My husband and I are going to get some of these as well. At least the silicone would help prevent some of the impact from a fall. Also there's a lot of cool color combinations and they're less than $20 a piece.

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